<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1fc960ce-e2e0-4562-990d-fce19e9ab7d4/39be5e57-a67c-457a-969b-37be76406ac2/info-light.svg" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1fc960ce-e2e0-4562-990d-fce19e9ab7d4/39be5e57-a67c-457a-969b-37be76406ac2/info-light.svg" width="40px" /> My Three Words

I’ve been writing a My Three Words post every year since 2013.

If you don’t know what it is all about, check out this post for context 👉 About My Three Words


Here are my three words for 2020:


This year, I have some pretty big things happening.

  1. I'm expecting my first child.
  2. I'm starting a new business.
  3. ...is that not enough? Are you not entertained?

I'm sure plenty of other things will crop up over the year to challenge and exhaust me, but having a new born and a new born business is going to make 2020 quite an eventful year.

So this year, I need to really get dialed in and be at my best in all areas of my life. I need to make sure I maintain my income, my marriage, my friendships, my health, and my sanity...all at once. I think I've found three perfect words for the occasion.


I'm no idiot. I know that a newborn means less sleep. I know that a newborn means that my entire life is about to change. I may not know exactly how, but I know that it will.

I also know that starting a business is not the same as showing up to your first day at a new job. I've done this before, I remember what it took to get my agency off the ground and pay my rent. There is no paycheck coming every two weeks. There is nothing to eat unless I hunt it down.

I am in for a year that will push me to my limits.

So, this first word is an acknowledgement of the chaos that my life is about to become. It is a stand, a choice to boldly stare directly at the chaos and not only courageously run right into it, but to welcome it with a warm embrace.

I'm under no illusion that I will somehow avoid being frustrated, scared, and exhausted. But, I made all of the choices that led me here. So, it is up to me to choose how I respond to the challenges I can foresee and those that I cannot.


In 2007, I decided that I was going to be a leader in the world of Social Media. I made a commitment to learning everything I could about it. I was committed to mapping this uncharted territory and guiding companies through ethical strategies that would make the world a better place. I was optimistic about the immense potential that these new platforms offered us.

For a while, it was good.

I was a believer. I wrote blog posts, lots of them, including regular guest contributions around the web. I was very active on Social Media. I spoke at conferences. I promoted Social Media as a way to amplify your company culture, encouraged businesses to see it as the reason to embrace their employees, and espoused my belief that it was the single biggest opportunity for companies to engage their customers.